Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Day After a 5K walk, run, jog...

Yesterday afternoon, after the 5K run, Halee had a friend come over to spend the night. Minus the fact that my whole entire body felt like someone dropped a house on me,  Halee's sniffles finally advanced to a full fledged cold. Stuffy, coughy, fever, a Ny-Quil commercial at its worst.  William and the little girl that spent the night do not get along well, but he had his PS3 privledges back, so after awhile, I was able to go to sleep.  

Welcome this morning.... MY WHOLE BODY FELT LIKE THEY LIFTED A HOUSE OFF OF ME AND DROPPED IT AGAIN JUST TO MAKE ME HURT WORSE!  I woke up to pain and the sound of my son pissed off.  What in the world?  This little girl has hazed my son while he slept. Wrote the word "Dork" on his arm, and worse, woke him before he was ready to be awoken. My daughter, NOT FEELING GOOD AT ALL.  The mother of the child: ASLEEP AND NOT ANSWERING THE PHONE.  My house is a complete wreck, I have a total of 13 loads of laundry to do and every room in the house needs to be sanitized so that Halee can feel better.  

Body pains, you will have to wait today.....

  • I have completely sanitized Halee's room, in which she is quarantined for now. 
  • I have completely washed, dried, folded, hung, and put away 9 loads of laundry. 
  • I have made 2 full meals, One of which was Sheppard's Pie.  (a new family fave).
  • I have sanitized MOST of the back bathroom, swept and mopped the bathroom and the hallway.
  • I have broken up 7 arguments between my husband and my children, and God only knows how many between the children.
  • I listened to a ten(?) yr. old little girl whine as much as I could possibly handle. (it was not my sick daughter whining).  Between whines, there was an occasional antagonistic mean phrase aimed at one of my 2 children (she'd bounce back and forth between them). Dear Lord, Forgive ME.  I am HAPPY that child went home today. May she return some other day when I might be able to like her more.
  • I served 20 cups of water, 2 bowls of chicken noodle soup, and 2 cups of tea, checked her temp 10 times, changed bedsheets twice,  and tucked her in enough for the whole month in one day.
  • I halfway cleaned my son's room, but then I realized it was no longer physically possible. AND 10pm!!!!
 So, on that note, I will say, I AM PROUD OF ALL I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED TODAY! 

I AM GLAD THE DAY IS DONE> I know I am! :D <3



  1. You inspire me, Sister! I don't know how you do what you do. You are amazing! <3

  2. My dear, Jamie. LOL. You are a mother now yourself, and as Devi gets older, you will understand. :D
